Senin, 10 Februari 2014


The movie starts with John Smith (Brad Pitt) and Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie) in marriage counselling. It is apparent that their marriage isn't going to well. The therapist asks how long they have been married, to which John replies "five years", but is corrected by Jane who states it has been six. John corrects himself with "five to six years." (This is kind of a running gag throughout the movie.) the therapist asks them where they met.

Cut to "5 to 6 years ago" in Bogota, Columbia. The place is wrecked by war, and John is alone in a bar drinking. The bartender mentions that someone shot the Barracuda, and police are looking for tourists who are travelling alone. Jane then enters the bar, and is almost captured by the troops when John boldly claims that she is with him. It is seen that John is carrying a hand gun, and Jane has a knife. They go up together into his apartment, where they formally introduce themselves.

The next scene is John boxing with an unknown person, which talking to his friend Eddie (Vince Vaughn) about how he has been dating Jane for six weeks and that he loves her. We also find out that Eddie is divorced and lives with his mother. Jane is rock climbing with her friend also talking about how much she loves John. Jane thinks that John is in construction, and John thinks that Jane is in some sort of computer-related job. Really, they are both assassins for rival corporations, and both Eddie and Jane's friend are assassins too. John tells Eddie that he is getting married, which they do.

We now see John and Jane in their daily lives, waking up and going to work. It is apparent that everyday is very routine. John is home everyday at exactly 7:00pm, where Jane is waiting with dinner. That night, Jane says she has to go out for awhile, and leaves. Soon after, John leaves also. He arrives home precisely at seven.
The next day, both John and Jane are given orders to kill Tank (Adam Broody), who is under custody and is to be murdered before he is transferred to another person or company. John leaves the house and goes into the tool shed, pulling up a secret hatch that leads to an underground room filled with weapons and supplies. Jane, in the house, pushes buttons on the stove revealing a hidden compartment filled with weapons and supplies. They both leave.

Cut to Arizona. Jane has set up a base in an abandoned building, and has all of her explosives set up, ready to kill Tank. As Tank's convoy is approaching however, Jane spots a dune buggy driving wildly through the desert. The driver unknowingly disables some of the explosives. This ends up compromising Jane's plan. The driver gets out, and it is John. John decides to pee, with his back to Jane. (He doesn't know anyone else is there yet.) Jane is watching him through her binoculars, but can't make out that it is John. John gets out his rocket launcher and starts to walk away from the dune buggy. He notices that he got a little pee on his boots. Jane gets mad however that her plan is ruined, and shoots John. John gets angry and shoots a rocket at her hideout, and it explodes. Jane gets away on a motorbike. John scavenges through the destroyed hideout, and finds a blown up laptop. Both are afraid that their secret identity might be exposed. They are both given 48 hours to discover who the other person is, and kill them, or else.

John takes the laptop to a computer expert who discovers that the computer belongs to Jane.
Jane watches and re-watches the tape of John peeing, and also discovers that it is John.

Disappointment and anger sets in for both of them, and they both know they have to kill each other. John gets home at exactly 7:00pm, and dinner is waiting. He is afraid that the food is poisoned, so is cautious to eat it. Jane is acting very suspiciously. John drops a bottle of wine on purpose, and Jane catches it instinctively. They both know now that the other knows about their identity. John goes to get his gun, and Jane takes off in her car. John tries to stop her, chasing her down the street but it is no good. He accidently fires a bullet in to her windshield and she gets angry. Jane runs him over, and he hangs on to the top of the car. He smashes his way into the backseat, and Jane bails from the car, sending John off a ledge in the car. But the next day, they fight one by one, Jane and John almost shoot each other, but John look at Jane’s eyes and says “Go on, it’s all yours” Jane doesn’t want to shoot John, then they noth realize that they loves each other and end up having a good time.

It is early morning, and both have just woken up and are having their breakfast, when we see many assassins sent to kill them. They hide in the cellar where John's weapons and supplies were previously hidden, before Jane took them all. A robot type of machine releases a bomb that bounces down the stairs. John kicks the bomb...right next to a fuel oil tank. They run and dive out of the cellar, just as the entire premises is blown to pieces. All of the assassins are killed. The Smith's take their neighbors mini van and clothes, and goes to see Eddie.
On the way, John is driving and Jane is in the passenger seat. Soon, four or five matching BMWs are shown in pursuit. Jane takes over driving, and John takes out the assassins. Eventually, all of the assassins are taken care of, and John and Jane are talking about all the things in their life that were lies. We find out that Jane's parents died when she was five, and her parents at her wedding were paid actors. We also find out that Jane is Jewish, that John never really liked Jane's cooking, and coincidently, that Jane never cooked once in their marriage, it was all prepared by her corporation.

They meet up with Eddie, who tells them that since they were both given 48 hours to find and kill the other, and the both failed, their companies are out to kill them. He also tells them that they have to find something that the company wants more than them, which is Tank. When they found Tank, they know that it’s all been set up. Jane’s company wants to kills John, and John’s company wants to kill Jane. But, finally they fight together, abandoned ther orders.

The movie ends with another session of marriage counselling. This time, their relationship has improved dramatically. Yes, they do love each other J
The End.
