Senin, 28 April 2014

Bali Journal


On last 4th of April, 11th Grade of SMAN 3 Bandung went to Bali Island. We were very excited! It was like the one and only holiday that we can hung out together, went very far from home, and spent so many hours with lots of friends. You know, SMAN 3 Bandung famous with its formula whether it's physics, chemistry, or mathematics. No offense, but that's true. That's one of the reason why we were happy about it. Ow yeah, another reason is we felt like we're the Event Organizer of this joyful moment. So TURBUD is US.

3rd of April
We gathered at Bandung Railway Station on 5 pm. I was accompanied by my Mom and my Brother. Then we started the tour on 8 pm. We used Turangga, I heard it's one of the executive train.

4th of April
The next morning we arrived in Surabaya then we used Bus to continue our trip. We were crossing to  Gilimanuk Port at night. Honestly, it was my first time transport by big Ship a.k.a Ferry. The situation was very nice, I love sea, I love beach, I love water. I can feel the nights winds, I can see a thousand of lights, people laughing. Just beautiful. The journey took 29 hours in total. Can you imagine?! So, all I can do when reached the hotel was: sleep.

5th of April
We started the day. The first stop that day was Tanjung Benoa, we can play a lots of water sport there. But I don't. Me and some of my friends visited turtle island. We saw a lots of turtles and other animals. We took a picture with snake! How brave we are. No I'm kidding, we were freaked out as H-E-C-K.
We had a lunch in Tanjung Benoa, then we moved to Raja Mandala. It's symbolize peace of religion in Indonesia. The concept is brilliant. They made 5 differents prayers place for 5 different religion of course.
We didn't spent a long time there. We head to GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana). It has some big statues. The biggest statue I've ever seen. The most enchanting time in GWK was Kecak Damce Performance. I'm not a big fan of Traditional thingy but when I see Shinta (a character who played by a beautiful girl, the monster tried to kill her) I'm falling in love with her move. Her face said it all. She's a good dancer. She can telling without speaking and that's amazing.
Here's come the dinner. It wasn't just an usual dinner for me. We had a dinner in Jimbaran. I love sea food so-damn-much! I even get invited to the stage with the others  birthday students to celebrated my very belated bornday.  Here's come the night, Kania, Lovanda, and Me... sung on the stage to entertain our beloved friends. Although I'm actually a "mellow" singer. But I don't want to let them down. We did our best to sung a Techo song, and it was great! The night felts always young and we were jumping up and down to the rhythm. What an unforgettable night at Jimbaran.

6th of April
We visited Desa Penglipuran. The houses there all the same. I knew "Lohloh" and "Cemcem" it's traditional food in Bali. The taste was... Not bad.
After that we headed Sukowati, it's kind of a market which sell a lots of Bali atribute.  I bought Pie Susu there. I love Pie Susu.
At night, it was the scheduled for Makrab! Audria and Hadin acted as The Master of Ceremony. It contains awards, music performances, and so on.

7th of April
The last day in Bali. Yeah, it sounds sad.  Before we headed the airport, we visited Pandawa beach. On the road, I was about to sleep and the buss was silent. Suddenly "BANG!" I'm wide awake and found a motorcycle hit the buss. I saw the victim (well, actually he's the troublemaker) , laying with a bunch of blood right on his knee, and running below his eyes through his mouth. Everyone was panicked. My friend, Lala, was shaking. We were to shocked. But the PIRATES came to saved KEPARAT. We can continue our journey and arrived at Pandawa beach.
All I can said when we reach Pandawa was "Oh. My. God!" The scenery was undescribable, the blue ocean was irresistable to touch. Pandawa is the most beautiful beach I've ever seen. We held a sports game like we usually have at school, but cooler, at the beach. My KEPARAT came out as a winner one of the sports game. YEAY! GOD BLESS KEPARAT! (Our name isn't as bad as it sounds. Trust me)
At the afternoon, we went to Krisna, one of Bali's merchandise place to shop (again).
When the evening came, we have to say goodbye to Bali oh yeah and Bli Putra! He was our tour guide. We trusted Air Asia to bring us home.
About 8 pm, we arrived at Bandung. Although Bali is beautiful, rich with cultures, tourism, and all. But still Bandung is da besttt!

I love #32015 so much it hurts!!!
So that was my Turbud story, what's yours?